Netflix like Cross Region App Reliability for Enterprise Applications on AWS

Appranix Protect Service protects and recovers thousands of AWS resources for an application environment across a cloud region including EC2 instances, EBS snapshots, Elastic load balancers, Virtual networks, Security groups, Routing tables, Virtual private gateways, NAT Gateways, Peering Connections and much more to provide unprecedented app availability.

Speaker - Govind Rangasamy, Founder and CEO, Appranix
  • Cloud ops teams can sleep better knowing their entire application environments are protected in another region of AWS
  • Reduce entire application environment recovery times to minutes with a single click
  • Lowest TCO using AWS native services and no custom scripting
  • All using AWS native services; no third party data or network management systems

You can subscribe to Appranix SRA Protect Service right from the Amazon Marketplace. You can create an Appranix account, discover AWS environment, protect and recover in literally under one hour. You can cancel anytime if you don't like the service

Access AWS MarketPlaceACCESS HERE

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