Fortune India
Burgeoning Leadership in the Cloud Resilience Market

Appranix is at the forefront of transforming cloud resilience. In an era where cyber threats are escalating, we’ve pioneered a proactive ‘REBUILD’ approach, far surpassing conventional ‘backup and restore or disaster recovery’ methods.

Appranix: Accelerating Cloud Resilience without Losing Enterprise Functions

We are changing backup and recovery with a new cloud resilience model that enables fast rebuilds as opposed to just data restores for enterprise applications while minimizing the need for establishing expensive, secondary cloud infrastructures or unruly scripting or preparing runbooks as a contingency for systems failure which offer no guarantees after a cloud outage or ransomware attack.

CIO Bulletin
Best Entrepreneurs to Watch 2023

We introduce you to Appranix which was established collaboratively by a group of experts in the cloud and container industries. Appranix cloud application resilience makes your cloud applications significantly more reliable with an application environment level backup, cross-zone, cross-region, and cross-cloud disaster recovery solution.

Global Business Magazine
30 Best Companies to watch in 2023

With half a decade of expertise, the company is reshaping disaster recovery mindsets for enterprises. Their solution dismantles complexity, rendering cloud infrastructure recovery more accessible than ever. In a landscape where threats continue to burgeon, Appranix stands as a beacon, offering unparalleled cloud resilience and unrivaled protection.

GRC Outlook
Appranix: The Leader in Cloud Resilience

Appranix—a cloud-native backup and recovery solutions provider—is helping businesses thwart the challenges associated with cloud environments. As a SaaS-based platform, Appranix is a pioneer in enabling enterprises to recover rapidly from cloud application outages to improve resilience.

Silicon Review
Appranix not only backs-up your application data but also protects all the environment meta-data as immutable copies.

Appranix was founded on the premise that existing data backup systems are not sufficient to provide resilience to distributed and dynamic cloud applications.

The Pride CEO
Embracing Cloud Resilience: The Future of Cloud Applications Disaster Recovery

In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, the importance of safeguarding our data and applications have never been more critical. As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud-based systems, the need for effective disaster recovery solutions has grown exponentially as organizations move from dedicated data centers to public cloud platforms.

Cool Vendors in Storage and Backup and Recovery

Appranix provides intelligent mapping and detection of all elements in a cloud environment, enabling I&O leaders to recover entire environments or granular elements in production. In addition, Appranix can reproduce the entire environment as a secondary cloud environment for test and development or for disaster recovery purposes.

Tech Times
Top 5 Best Cloud-native Disaster Recovery Solutions in 2023

Appranix offers pioneering application-centric cloud-native disaster recovery solutions with various cloud services, offering quick data and application recovery following a data loss. It also provides a resilient application protection of the cloud infrastructure.

EMA TOP 3 - Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) names Appranix as a TOP 3 product for Container Management and DevOps at Scale.

In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, the importance of safeguarding our data and applications have never been more critical. As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud-based systems, the need for effective disaster recovery solutions has grown exponentially as organizations move from dedicated data centers to public cloud platforms.