Pragya Case Study

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EdTech SaaS Resiliency Increased by 300%

Pragya Systems was founded with a vision of significantly improving the quality and relevance of higher education while reducing its cost. Pragya has launched a new class of higher education technology focused on dramatically simplifying the flow of information on and off campuses for students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and employers.


Pragya Systems needs to run their EdTech SaaS application with the highest availability possible so their large universities customers can rely on it every day. Pragya ensures at least 99.9% SLA. Pragya also needs to accommodate seasonally varying student engagement workloads on their systems. For instance, during the peak admissions season the system is not only expected to scale to accommodate performance requirements but also available without any disruptions. Being a SaaS product, Pragya is required to update their application without disrupting on-going operations to accommodate new features as well as bug fixes.

Along with the system availability requirements challenges, Pragya also experienced skill shortages to deal with their cloud infrastructure operations. They did not want to deal with cloud infrastructure operations, in particular, system resilience with backup and recovery for production environments. They did not want to deal with cloud service(s) disruptions. They also did not want to write complicated infrastructure-as-code as it is not their main focus of the business. They simply wanted their application environments to work continuously to deliver the promised SLAs to their customers so Pragya does not have to pay penalties.

In addition, their DevOps engineers wanted to have copies of their application environments as close as possible to the production, so, they can run performance, integration and feature testing. Once in a while, some customers wanted specific reports that required them to make an on-demand copy of the environment for a short period of time. With all these requirements, Pragya did not want their cloud bill to be under control as dormant snapshots, environment copies could push their cloud bill unexpectedly.

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